This is what I do.

I’m a photographer and architect living in Zurich.

Most of my work revolves around the built environment, whether it is documenting it through photography and illustrations or as a backdrop for more personal projects.

I gained my Master in Architecture at the EPFL in 1997. I worked as an architect and eventually set up a successful practice with an associate, winning prizes and honorable mentions in design competitions. My interest in new technologies took me to Zurich in 2003 where I pursued a MAS in computer-aided architectural design at the ETHZ. From 2005 to 2012 I taught at the Institute for Landscape Architecture at the ETHZ, teaching students new methodologies in landscape design.

My architecture photography has been featured in leading publications in Switzerland, Germany, Korea and Japan and abroad and my personal projects have been shown at the photoSchweiz exhibition in Zurich, the portfolio projections at the Musée de l’Elysée in Lausanne and at the Black Art Matters exhibition in Zürich.

Portfolio Projection, Musée de l'Elysée, Lausanne / PhotoSCHWEIZ 2014, "Malecon" / PhotoSCHWEIZ 2017, "Niños de Cuba" / PhotoSCHWEIZ 2018, "The Odyssey" / PhotoSCHWEIZ 2020, "Balkan Stories" / Photo projection Black Art Matters, "Niños de Cuba" / PhotoSCHWEIZ 2021, "The Day After" / Trittligasse Gallery, "Postcards from Japan", December 2024.


PBI Event Architecture / Studio Vacchini / MCH Messe Schweiz / waldner partner / ILA ETH Zürich / FCL - Future Cities Laboratory / Kesura AG / Xpace Architects / Atelier ESA / Manor AG / Jolli Allestimenti / Studio Anna Jach / ROD by waldner partner / miQuerido 

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